With a global presence in various deposits, Jade has been recognized for its benefits to humanity for over 6000 years.
In the past, in China, this gem was highly valued and considered equal to gold and diamonds in the Western world.
Different colors of jade can be found, with green being the most common. Additional shades include blue, black, yellow, orange, brown, red, pink, lavender, purple, and white.
Jade is known for its primary energies of purity, wisdom, healing, and protection. However, this versatile gem offers many additional benefits as each color and shade contains its own unique properties.
Explore the potential benefits of Jade, a highly valued medicinal substance in ancient Chinese culture.
Jade Definition
Jade is a widely utilized material for feng shui remedies, known for its distinct green color. Additionally, it serves as a common base for various jewelry creations due to its versatility. Both nephrite and jadeite are classified as "jade," offering a wide range of minerals for use.
Different types of Jade
Jade is a type of semi-precious stone that is classified into two categories: nephrite and jadeite. Nephrite, the more common variety, is generally considered less valuable. It can be found in various shades of green, with white and orange being the most unusual. On the other hand, jadeite is highly sought-after for its translucent appearance and can be found in different shades of green, including a unique lavender. Some of the most rare jadeite specimens have been described as "moss entangled in melting snow."
The unique crystal formations of both stones set them apart. Jadeite's crystals are compact and granular, while nephrite's are fibrous and interwoven in a tangled texture. The denser, tougher jadeite can be delicately carved into intricate designs, while the more robust nephrite is often used for simpler carvings and practical purposes.
Benefits of Jade Crystals and Stones
The beneficial properties of jade stone gently guide us towards self-discovery and protection, ensuring that we are not overwhelmed in the process. This natural gemstone is known for its nurturing effects, aiding in the revelation of our true essence.
In its essence, Jade teaches us to embrace our true selves and to always be authentic in every situation. With its guidance, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and learn to live as our most genuine selves.
While it may seem straightforward, it can actually be quite difficult to navigate in our highly competitive society, as we are bombarded by messages from popular media and society dictating who we should be. This often leads us to adopt beliefs and behaviors that do not align with our true selves.
Experience a slowly intensifying sense of disconnection or a sense of lacking. Remember, we are always connected to the universal energy and we are an integral part of everything that exists. However, we have strayed from our path.
Does this sound familiar?
If necessary, Jade will assist you in rediscovering your true self, allowing you to resurface and reclaim your rightful, happy position in life, liberated from external expectations of conformity.
When Jade is kept close to us, as in wearing a Green Jade stone necklace, we benefit greatly. The presence of Jade near us allows its energy to influence our aura. Through meditation, Jade can aid in our connection with the Divine.
There are many ways you can use Jade benefits:
- To guide and protect you or your children from bullies
- To soothe nervousness in new or unknown situations
- For protection when traveling away from home
- To restore optimum balance in volatile situations
- As a study companion when preparing for exams
- To repair broken friendships and release grudges and resentment
- To ease tension and shock after a traumatic event or bad news
When utilizing Jade healing properties, it is recommended to hold the stone in your receiving (left) hand or keep it near your heart.
Jade has associations with zodiac signs Libra and Taurus, as well as planets Venus and Mercury. It can be utilized to honor and tap into the energies of goddesses Venus, Isis, and Kuan Yin, along with Archangel Raphael.
This captivating mineral is associated with the heart chakra, the earth, and nature, and in Feng Shui, with wood - a force that promotes expansion, development, wellness, new beginnings, and nourishment.
When it comes to the Tarot, Jade is associated with both the Wheel of Fortune and the Empress. These powerful cards remind us that life is ever-changing and that we must learn to accept the ebbs and flows. With the influence of Jade, we are able to break free from self-imposed limitations and connect with the Divine, embracing our true selves. In fact, this combination of cards and Jade's powers are ideal for triggering a spiritual awakening.
Jade Stones Healing Properties
Jade is known for its healing properties, particularly its ability to provide infinite wisdom and purity. Rather than producing immediate results, it guides us towards self-discovery by expanding our consciousness and providing helpful guidance. Throughout the healing journey, Jade's protective properties remain ever-present.
Apart from its core properties, the healing properties of Jade include:
- Balance
- Growth
- Fertility
- Longevity
- Harmony
- Moderation
- Perspective
- Peace
- Stability
- Serenity
Include these energies in your healing rituals, prayers and meditations. For instance, Jade can serve various purposes, such as:
- Understanding and releasing anger and irritability
- Identifying and breaking negative thought patterns
- Calming frayed nerves and anxiety
- When facing fear and self-doubt in times of change
- Ending self-sabotage through harmful behavior
- To ease the trauma of loss, such as a job loss, divorce, or death
- Discovering spiritual and emotional maturity
- Building confidence and self-esteem
- Developing honesty, first with the self and then others
- Finding self-acceptance and self-love
- Cultivating life force energy
Jade is especially valuable for enhancing dream-related activities. Whether you experience recurring dreams or are exploring dream interpretation, Jade can improve the clarity and retention of your dreams. Consider wearing a Jade necklace or placing Jade under your pillow.
Jade Color Meanings
While Jade properties are alike, the various colors offer additional advantages. They can be combined for specific purposes or worn together for a harmonious effect, adding enrichment to your life.
Jade's hues are connected to Taoist belief systems. Lighter, more transparent jade is believed to possess gentler energies and is known as yin. On the other hand, Jade with a deeper green color and less transparency is considered to have more powerful and greater energy, known as yang. The darker veins of dragon-green jade, for instance, are yang and symbolize the strength to overcome challenges and lead a fulfilling life.
The colors of jade hold significance in both feng shui and traditional Chinese medicine's five-element system. Green jade represents the wood element and is linked to the liver, health, healing, and longevity. Red jade (also known as hong red) corresponds with the fire element and is associated with the heart, love, joy, and passion. White jade is connected to the metal element and is believed to support the lungs, promote calmness, and provide clarity of purpose. Combing multiple colors of jade, such as the auspicious Fu Lu Shou bracelet which includes red, green, and white, increases the stone's value.
Blue Jade Meaning
Blue Jade has been known to have a calming effect on the mind, promoting peace, contemplation, reflection, and serenity. It is also believed to aid in honest communication and can be used to facilitate speaking our true thoughts. Additionally, it has been utilized for dreamwork purposes.
Black Jade Meaning
Black Jade is renowned for its protective properties, effectively shielding against negativity on physical, psychic, and psychological levels. It is a well-known tool for safeguarding against negative and obsessive thinking, as well as other forms of psychological assault. Utilize it for maximum protection.
Brown Jade Color Meaning
For those seeking a stronger connection with nature or a sense of grounding, Brown Jade is an ideal choice. This stone serves as a conduit to the earth, providing comfort and a deeper understanding of our connection to nature.
Lavender Jade Meaning
Lavender Jade has been scientifically proven to help ease emotional distress and pain, providing a sense of spiritual security and nourishing the soul. It can be used to strengthen connections to the Divine and bring about a feeling of peace and balance.

Green Jade Meaning
Green Jade is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and positive energy. It is also said to promote friendships and aid in the development of new romantic relationships. Furthermore, it is said to align with the natural cycles of life and provide assistance in nurturing new endeavors, relationships, and the birth of a child.

Purple Jade Meaning
Purple Jade has the ability to purify one's aura and promote a sense of joy and contentment. Its properties effectively eliminate negative energy and increase spiritual awareness by dissipating any feelings of judgement or criticism.

Orange Jade Meaning
Utilize Orange Jade to enhance energy and promote happiness, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the value and interconnectedness of all things, bringing spiritual joy.

Red Jade Stones Meaning
Utilize Red Jade to harness life force energy, banish self-sabotaging fear, and gain the bravery to make bold decisions or release what no longer serves you.

Yellow Jade Meaning
Enhance any situation with the positive and harmonious energy of Yellow Jade. Use it to adapt without making judgments towards people, circumstances, or things, showing a professional and knowledgeable tone with objective language and facts.

White Jade Meaning
White Jade is a stone that acts as a filter, helping to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. It is a useful tool when seeking positive and beneficial facts to aid in making decisions.
Light vs Dark Shades of Jade
Lighter shades of jade are associated with promoting divine energy, spiritual development, faith, perseverance, and the connection to a higher purpose, while darker shades are believed to be more closely related to physical matters such as growth, luck, maturity, inner-strength, and material abundance.
China Jade Stones Meaning
The ancient Chinese culture highly valued Jade stone, as evidenced by numerous discovered artifacts with deep symbolic meaning.
Even now, countless Chinese individuals continue to exchange Jade accessories, amulets, talismans, and artifacts as gifts.
Among the many types of Jade talismans, one of the most enduring is the "two brothers of heavenly love," a depiction of two men that has remained popular to this day. Another popular talisman is the Jade phoenix, often gifted to young girls as they come of age.
A man on a unicorn is often given as a gift to newlyweds, symbolizing the arrival of a new heir from their union. Another popular gift, a small carved Jade padlock, is worn around the neck by babies, believed to bless and protect them from danger and illness during childhood.
Traditionally, a Jade goblet depicting a rooster is used for a toast by the bride and groom at Chinese weddings. This practice honors a tragic legend of a devoted rooster and his keeper, who sacrificed herself for love. The rooster's unwavering love led him to join his keeper in the depths of a well, rather than face a life without her.
Storytellers in ancient Chinese culture believed in the power of Jade talismans during business negotiations. These talismans were believed to prevent unsavory dealings and promote mental focus, making them a crucial tool for traders and business people.
In Chinese culture, giving a Green Jade butterfly as a gift symbolizes love and long-lasting relationships. This tradition dates back to a story of a young man who fell in love with the daughter of a wealthy mandarin after chasing a butterfly into their garden. Contrary to expectations, the mandarin granted the young man's request to marry his daughter.
Jade was historically utilized in ancient China for musical purposes, specifically through the crafting of stone chimes. These chimes were constructed from sixteen Jade stones, each one carefully cut to unique lengths and widths. By striking these stones, distinct musical notes were created, making them a valuable instrument for ceremonial use. Additionally, singers' chimes were also created from 12 to 24 intricately carved Jade stones.
For protection in the afterlife and preservation of the body, ancient Chinese burials often included a Jade piece placed inside the mouth of the deceased. This practice was believed to have cultural significance and was widely practiced.
Jade dragons remain highly sought after, symbolizing robustness, well-being, fortune, and male vitality.

Jade for excellent Feng Shui
Jade is a versatile stone that can enhance the feng shui of your home. It can be incorporated in various forms such as statues, carvings, and tumbled pieces, providing a decorative touch while promoting the flow of qi (life force energy).
Feng shui can benefit not only your home but also your body. Jade jewellery, worn on your body, may assist in clearing meridians and promoting overall well-being. When worn on the left wrist, closer to the heart, a jade bangle is believed to be most effective. Additionally, jade jewellery is said to offer protection against negative energies.
Maximize the benefits of your jade by wearing it instead of storing it away. Jade is a qi-filled living stone that can become lifeless and brittle if not regularly worn.
The Rest of the World
Jade was a significant material used by Ancient South American priests in religious ceremonies to honor the rain and sun gods and gain their favor. Archeological digs in the region have uncovered a variety of Jade objects such as knives, ornaments, plaques, jewelry, weapons, and warrior masks.
In Maori culture, a Jade neck carving was traditionally used to symbolize a deceased family member or ancestor. Upon the passing of the family head or head of household, the carving would be buried with them and later passed down to the closest male relative who assumed the role.
Jade Colors Meaning Final Thoughts
Experience the versatile and profound healing benefits of Jade, a spiritual stone known for its ability to work for the greater good in any situation.
It enhances the user's clarity and focus while removing emotional and spiritual debris, enabling them to see the heart of the matter. Additionally, it protects against harm by selectively revealing information that the user is ready to accept.
Thus, Jade has a positive impact on all areas of life and serves as a perfect companion to have by your side at all times.
Jewelry Buddha takes great pride in our reverence for the numerous benefits of Jade. Each stone in our collection is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans, resulting in an exceptional product worthy of your attention. Explore our Jade Collection today.
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